Major repairs of IT3Sb, IT3Sd, IT3Sc and IT3SF-2 transformer stations

PHPU “Izol-Plast” Sp. z o. o. performs major repairs of IT3Sb, IT3Sc, IT3Sd, IT3Sm, IT3Sm-T2 and IT3SF-2 transformer stations, for stations with a capacity of 315 kVA, 400 kVA, 500 kVA, 630 kVA i 1000 kVA.
PHPU “Izol-Plast” Sp. z o. o. has a Plant Capacity Assessment , issued by OBAC No. OBAC / Ex / 032 / OZR / 15 with attachments, entitling to repairs of IT3Sb, IT3Sc, IT3Sd transformer stations, IT3Sm, IT3Sm-T2 and IT3SF-2.
The basis for the renovation of transformer stations:
- Change of the existing harmonized standards in connection with Poland’s accession to the European Union.
- Amendment to the REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF ECONOMY of June 9, 2006 (Journal of Laws No. 124, item 863p.65.w, of 12.07.2006) amending the regulation on health and safety at work, traffic management and specialist fire protection in underground mining plants. (Regulation of the Minister of Economy of June 28, 2002, Journal of Laws No. 139, item 1169, Annex No. 5, item 10.13.4, of September 2, 2002).
- Poor technical condition of transformer stations, e.g. due to their operation.
The cover of the flameproof transformer station type IT3Sm is made in the shape of a corrugated cylinder increasing the intensity of heat transfer to the environment.
In order to reduce the risk of explosion, the transformer station cover has been divided into the following flameproof chambers:
- connection chamber of the HV side,
- apparatus chamber of the HV side,
- power transformer compartment,
- apparatus chamber of the LV side,
- connection chamber of the LV side.
Repair of the mechanical and electrical part of the IT3Sm flameproof transformer stations:
- renovation of the transformer station casing (cleaning, sandblasting, painting),
- inspection and regeneration of the flameproof surfaces of individual chambers of the transformer station housing with all covers,
- control and regeneration or replacement of LV and HV side power bushings with PTH porcelain insulators,
- ontrol and regeneration or replacement of the LV and HV signal bushings with IPS-4/250 type insulators,
- control and regeneration or replacement of fire absorbers with UPO-1 absorbers,
- control and regeneration or replacement of lead screws,
- inspection and regeneration or replacement of locks,
- control and regeneration or replacement of disconnector triangular key,
- inspection and regeneration or replacement of the transformer station ratchet key,
- inspection and regeneration or replacement of flameproof sight glasses with non-forged sight glasses,
- control and regeneration or replacement of power cable inlets with WKp type (ATEX),
- control and regeneration or replacement of signal cable inlets with WMg (ATEX) type inlets,
- control and regeneration or replacement of cable reductions for reducers type R-WKp (ATEX),
- inspection and regeneration or replacement of slot plugs with Z-WKp plugs (ATEX),
- control and regeneration or replacement of disconnector / disconnector,
- inspection and replacement of the SACE SH-630M circuit breaker,
- control and regeneration or replacement of power transformer coils,
- control and regeneration or replacement of the flexible busbar of the LV chamber,
- inspection and regeneration or replacement of the flexible busbar of the HV chamber,
- inspection and regeneration or replacement of flexible connectors braided LV chamber,
- control and regeneration or replacement of a single-phase isolation auxiliary transformer,
- control and regeneration or replacement of the current transformer,
- control and regeneration or replacement of the artificial neutral choke with the DZ-3/1 (ATEX) choke,
- control and regeneration or replacement of the control and measurement protection with UCMI (ATEX) protection,
- control and regeneration or replacement of intermediary relays,
- inspection and replacement of all fastening bolts with class 8.8 bolts,
- performing other necessary renovation works that result from the customer’s order or during the renovation process.
The company PHPU “Izol-Plast” Sp. z oo has Capability Assessment for the repair of flameproof transformer stations IT3Sb, IT3Sc, IT3Sd, IT3Sm, IT3Sm-T2 and IT3SF-2, issued by OBAC no. OBAC/Ex/024/OZR/18 with attachments, in accordance with the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy of June 9, 2006 amending the regulation on occupational health and safety, traffic management and specialist fire protection in underground mines. (Journal of Laws No. 139, item 1169, Annex No. 5, item 10.13.4, dated September 2, 2002)